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Climatic Fund of Yucatan

We are a nascent organization created by important players in Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico,including US based TNC,focused on Climate Change.
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In October 2016 the Climatic Fund of Yucatan Peninsula A.C. (FCPY) was created in Mexico by four partners: The Autonomous University of Yucatán, The Autonomous University of Campeche, The University of Quintana Roo and The Nature Conservancy, an international non-profit organization. The goal of FCPY is to fight climate change in Yucatan peninsula through prevention of deforestation, sustainable rural development, and coastal adaptation. The initiative is unique worldwide, as it is a collaboration between three states of Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo. Between others, we have unique ecosystems to protect such as the Calakmul biosphere and the Great Mesoamerican Coral Reef.


As it happens with new nonprofit organizations, the beginnings are difficult. We have currently a team of three persons headed by the director Alma Tello and we are a bit struggling to secure the funding for 2017. We have no doubt that such a robust structure as ours will eventually be an important player in the global fight against climate change. But for now, we need to secure the survival and the existence of the foundation through all means. What we offer is an official sponsorship of FCPY. We offer space on our website for your logo with a link or your name or name of a company belonging to your family or friends on the front page, visible until 31/12/2017. After 2017, the contributor's names will visible on a list of sponsors and contributors, who will have a memorable and distinguished merit of supporting one of America's regional environmental institutions. These matters can be discussed on personal level before your contribution is done.


Your contribution is important as we need to show to our founders that we are capable of the attraction of interest on an international level, which will provide us with a leverage of more support. Other Ways You Can Help We do not need only money. We will be grateful for support in a form of your time social media sharing photos recommendations any other even immaterial support And that's all there is to it. Our portal is still not perfect, we are working on it every day.


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